APA Approved Product

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Walkie Way


Product Name Walkie Way
Web Site / Phone Number www.walkieway.com
Type Pet Leash
Uses Cats and dogs
Approval Status APA 5 Star Approved
Testing Results A strong and useful product.
Recommendation A truly great idea that has transformed into a great product. There are too many uses to list here but having a leash on demand is fantastic.

Very high quality. During testing this was used on very large dogs which it is not intended for and we were unable to produce a failure. The units are very strong and well made.

Having a leash on demand can be a life saving tool for your pet. A time for your pet to exercise off leash can quickly and unexpectedly turn into a need to restrain your pet and the Walkie Way offers just that. In addition, any time a product makes it more simple to be a responsible pet ownership, we are thrilled.
APA Advice Although we did not find this to be a problem (it did not happen at all during testing), do not allow line to wrap around pets neck.

Collar should be worn loose enough that it can spin on the pets neck.

This approval does not include the free safety gifts given with purchase and the APA does not recommend the metal ID holder.
Sample Consumer Comments New approval, no feedback received yet.
Approval ID# 32907







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